The Ultimate Guide to ChatGPT AI Chatbot: Everything You Need to Know

Beautiful Quote

"Artificial Intelligence is not about replacing human intelligence; it's about amplifying our capabilities and extending the boundaries of what we can achieve."

- Chat GPT AI Chatbot

In this modern era, the most frequently used term in tech area will be definitely “AI”. The boom of AI in the last two years is mind blowing. Eventhough, the concept of AI has been here for quite some time, the ultimate boom in recent years is due to emergence of powerful chat bot “Chat GPT”. In this article, we tried to provide some useful insights about Chat GPT. Let’s dive in.

What is a chat bot?

"Have you ever chatted with a computer? That's a chatbot! Imagine having a helpful friend in your computer who can talk to you anytime you want. These computer friends, called chatbots, are super smart. They can answer your questions, help you with shopping, or even just have a fun conversation. They're like digital helpers that never sleep and are always there for you. As technology gets even better, these chatbots are becoming even more like real friends. So, next time you're on a website and a friendly chat pops up, remember, it might just be a clever chatbot saying hello!"

Titbit: The above paragraph you see was given by Chat GPT. As we are writing this article about Chat GPT, felt it would be interesting to have a certain part of this article to be contributed by Chat GPT itself.

The first ever Chat bot was “ELIZA”. It was developed by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966. It was developed in view of exploring communication between Machine and Human. From there, chat bots evolved a lot and reached the ultimatum which is Chat GPT AI Chatbot. Chat GPT AI Chatbot is also evolving rapidly.

Also read:

What is Chat GPT’s base?

We all will definitely came across the term “Machine Learning” in recent times. So, What is Machine learning? The answer lies in the name itself. It’s the concept of a machine identifying integral patterns and information from a data and providing predictions based on what it had learnt. 

The machine learning is one of the integral part of Artificial intelligence. It forms the base for AI and also for the AI Chat bot. There is much more fascinating things to know about Machine learning. We will try to dedicate an entire article for Machine learning in coming days.

For the machine to learn crucial information and patterns from the data, we need to train a model using a sample data with utmost precision. They are like a recipe for the machine to learn the patterns.

In order to develop Chat GPT, Open AI developed an advanced machine learning model called GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model. The Chat GPT developer, Open AI an artificial intelligence research organization. Chat GPT developer, OpenAI is known for its work in advancing AI technologies and creating innovative models like GPT.

What is GPT model?

GPT model is an advanced machine learning model developed by Open AI to develop the most powerful AI chat bot, Chat GPT. Without dwelling into GPT much technically, we will try to explain it in simpler terms.

Imagine you have a person who is close to you whom you can rely on and ask about any topic to get relevant answer. How that person might know about everything? Through learning from vast resources available right? Similarly, GPT is a computer program that's been trained on a huge amount of text from the internet. The GPT model tries to guess what words should come next in a conversation based on the words you've already said. It does this by looking at patterns in these text it learned from all those books and articles. It's like a really good guesser that can write in a way that sounds very human-like, even though it's just a computer.

GPT model is able to understand wide range of topics through a process called "Pre training" and "Fine tuning".  

Pre training involves GPT model being trained on a massive amount of diverse text from the internet. This text includes articles, books, websites, and more. During this pre-training phase, GPT learns grammar, language structure, and general knowledge about a wide range of subjects. It learns to predict what words should come next in a sentence based on the patterns it sees in the text.

Fine tuning involves training GPT model on finely curated datasets of specific topic to specialize GPT on that topic. For example, if you want GPT to understand medical topics, it would be fine-tuned on a dataset of medical literature and discussions. This fine-tuning helps the model specialize in generating relevant and accurate responses for specific topics.

Through the gpt model , Chat GPT AI chatbot 

What is the importance of "Prompting" in Chat GPT AI chatbot? Beautiful Quote

"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers"

- Voltaire

Prompting plays a major role in conversing with Chat GPT AI chatbot. Chat GPT AI chatbot answers accurately based on the question you ask. Like Googling and finding the answer is an art, prompting to Chat GPT is also an art. If you incorporate more information in the prompt, Chat GPT AI chatbot will react more precisely. To demonstrate this, let's play with Chat GPT AI chatbot by prompting in different ways.

Prompt 1: Explain about internet

Answer given by Chat GPT AI Chatbot:

Content Box

The internet, short for "interconnected network," is a vast global system of interconnected computer networks that enables communication and information exchange among billions of devices around the world. It is one of the most significant technological developments of the 20th century and has fundamentally transformed the way people communicate, access information, conduct business, and interact with the world.

Key features and concepts related to the internet include:

  • Networks: The internet is made up of a multitude of smaller networks that are connected together. These networks can range from local area networks (LANs) within a home or office to wide area networks (WANs) that span cities, countries, and continents.
  • Protocols: Protocols are a set of rules that dictate how data should be transmitted, received, and processed across the internet. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are foundational protocols that enable the reliable transmission of data packets between devices.
  • World Wide Web (WWW): The World Wide Web, often simply referred to as the web, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents and multimedia content that is accessed via the internet using web browsers. It allows users to navigate between web pages by clicking on hyperlinks and has become a central part of internet usage.
  • Browsers: Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge are software applications that allow users to access and navigate the web. They render web pages, execute scripts, and display multimedia content.
  • Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks are clickable elements within web pages that allow users to navigate to other web pages, documents, or resources on the internet. They play a crucial role in connecting different parts of the web.
  • Search Engines: Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo provide a way to search for specific information on the web. They index vast amounts of web content and present users with relevant search results based on their queries.
  • Social Media: Social media platforms enable users to create, share, and interact with content and other users online. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become integral to modern communication and networking.
  • E-commerce: The internet has revolutionized commerce by enabling online shopping and electronic transactions. E-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Shopify allow businesses to sell products and services to a global audience.
  • Email: Electronic mail (email) is a widely used method of sending and receiving messages over the internet. It allows individuals and organizations to communicate quickly and efficiently.
  • Cloud Computing: Cloud computing involves delivering computing services such as storage, processing power, and software applications over the internet. This allows users to access resources remotely without needing to maintain extensive local infrastructure.
  • Streaming: Streaming services provide on-demand access to music, videos, movies, and other multimedia content over the internet. Platforms like Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube have transformed how we consume media.
  • Security and Privacy: With the vast amount of sensitive information being exchanged online, security and privacy are paramount. Technologies like encryption and secure protocols help protect data during transmission, while privacy concerns have led to regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and awareness about online data protection.

The internet's influence extends to nearly every aspect of modern life, from education and entertainment to business and governance. It has connected people across geographical and cultural boundaries, facilitated the sharing of knowledge, and driven innovation in various fields. However, it also presents challenges related to cybersecurity, digital divide, misinformation, and ethical considerations, requiring ongoing efforts to ensure its responsible and beneficial use.

Quite large right. It's  because the prompt was more generic. Now let's fine tune our prompt to get a crisp answer.

Prompt 2: Explain about Internet in 5 lines crisply

Answer given by Chat GPT AI Chatbot:

Content Box

The internet is a global network of interconnected computers and devices. It enables communication, information sharing, and online activities through protocols like TCP/IP. The World Wide Web (WWW) allows users to access and navigate web pages using browsers. Services like search engines, social media, and e-commerce are integral to online interactions. Security, privacy, and ethical considerations are vital due to its pervasive impact on modern life.

Too technical isn't it. Do you want explain Internet to a person who doesn't have any exposure to Internet? For this, let's fine tune our prompt again.

Prompt 3: Explain internet crisply like explaining to a person who has no exposure to internet with example

Answer given by Chat GPT AI Chatbot:

Content Box

The internet is like a huge digital library that connects computers all around the world. Just like you can borrow books from a library, the internet lets you access information, watch videos, and talk to people from far away. For instance, imagine you have a magic book that can instantly show you any picture or story you want – that's a bit like how the internet works, but with computers!

Amazing isn't it? Like this you can fine tune your prompt to get precise answers from Chat GPT AI chatbot. After getting proper response, you can build your conversation with Chat GPT AI chatbot further. Fascinating thing is that Chat GPT AI chatbot will answer you based on your previous prompts in the chat. You don't have to explain everything from the start everytime.  

Another fascinating thing is that there is profession called "Prompt Engineer". Prompt engineers are specialists responsible for crafting effective and precise prompts used to interact with language models like GPT-3.5. These professionals possess a deep understanding of the model's capabilities and limitations, allowing them to formulate prompts that yield desired outcomes. By carefully selecting keywords, context, and instructions, prompt engineers enable users to obtain more relevant and coherent responses from the language model. They play a crucial role in optimizing the model's output and tailoring it to specific applications, ranging from creative writing to technical problem-solving. Through their expertise, prompt engineers bridge the gap between users' intent and the capabilities of the language model, enhancing the overall user experience and utility of AI-powered interactions.

Here in the above demonstration, we asked about Internet. You can ask Chat GPT AI chatbot about anything. It's more useful for programmers. Usually, in programming the art of browsing is very important. But now the art of prompting is way more important to get what you want in a quick span of time. 

The quite common fear that spreads after the boom of AI is that it will replace humans. But it can't because it doesn't have consciousness like us. It simply learns from the data we give and responds. On the positive side, it will save a lot of time for us. It's an effective alternative for browsers. 

That's all about Chat GPT AI Chatbot. Hope this article is informative to you. An article Chat GPT AI chatbot's competitor Google Bard and an article about Machine learning is awaiting in the queue from our side. We will try to provide more informative articles from our side in coming days. 

Free course about Chatgpt offered by Guvi that too with free certification. The entire course comprises of lecture for 1.5 hours. Make use of it 


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