MESOTHELIOMA – A fatal malignant demon


Mesothelioma, we people know very well about the cancer but mesothelioma? What kind of phenomenon is this mesothelioma is?

Let’s kindle out about this  

It is actually a type of cancer

Mesothelioma – meaning/ definition:

Mesothelioma deutsch (in German language) Mesotheliom 

Pronunciation:   me-zoe-thee-lee-O-muh

While splitting the word mesothelioma we get 

Mesothelium- layer of tissues that surrounds up the internal cardiac tissues  abdomen and chest 

(The main function of the mesothelium is to aid support and protection to the delicate organs and confer protection to the those)

The ‘OMA’ in the mesothelioma refers to the cancerous cells or tumors which present on the tissues of lungs and other such internal delicate organs. 

Causes of Mesothelioma:

The prime cause of mesothelioma is that the exposure to asbestos (silicate material) such as chrysotile also called as ‘white asbestos’ which is predominantly used in insulation and flooring materials in USA

In UK also Mesothelioma is widely reported.

The asbestos are soft and flexible fibrous materials yet they are resistant to heat and other environmental stress. There are some other asbestos other than chrysolite includes 

  • Actinolite
  • Amosite
  • Crocidolite
  • Anthophyllite 
  •  Tremolite
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Besides asbestos causing mesothelioma non asbestos causing mesothelioma are also been reported among people who resides near the volcano in Mauna kea, Hawaii as they have a prime risk in inhaling the volcanic mineral erionite.

How the mesothelioma / mesothelioma cancer entered into humans.?

  • During the construction works the thin fibrous silicate material asbestos broken down and contaminated with air 
  • While inhaling such air the thin dusty particles enters into the lungs and other such delicate organs through inhaling such air. Those asbestos particles get deposited on lungs.
  • A notable thing is that after the exposure to fine asbestos it could take nearly 20 to 40 years for the mesothelioma symptoms to express.
  • Mesothelioma is reported in males than females the main reason of this is mostly men are engaged in asbestos related roofing and building works so they are more prone to mesothelioma or mesothelioma cancer.
Consult a doctor if you feel any suffocation

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The cyclic development of Mesothelioma includes 3 stages 

  • Inhalation of asbestos
  • Fine particles of asbestos causes irritation and inflammation of layers of tissues 
  • Growth of cancerous malignant cells on the delicate organs

Types of Mesothelioma

The types of mesothelioma can be distinguished 

On the basis of the location of the tumor 

  • Pleural mesothelioma (the name itself indicates that the tumor is present on the lungs)
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma (tumor on the abdominal lining)
  • Pericardial mesothelioma (tumor on heart sac)
  • Testicular mesothelioma (tumor on testicular region)

Mesothelioma can also be classified on the basis of cancer cell type

  • Epithelioid mesothelioma (most common in occurrence nearly estimated for 50 to 70 percentage cases)
  • Sarcomatoid mesothelioma (tumor from bone marrow and cartilages)
  • Biphasic mesothelioma (Mixed type in which the expression of symptoms resembles both the epithelial and sarcomatoid mesothelioma

The symptoms, preventive measures, diagnostic methods and treatments will be covered on next part of mesothelioma blog 

                             Thank you           

Today's English word : Mundane 

Meaning : simple / ordinary

Sentence usage : This song looks Mundane.                                    

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