MESOTHELIOMA CANCER - Symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment

Health is not valued untill disease comes

                                                - Thomas Fuller

As in this quote, health is not really valued by us untill sickness peeks in. We tried to give a brief overview about a deadly disease named "Mesothelioma" from last blog. In the previous blog, we saw about Mesothelioma etymology, Mesothelioma meaning and so on.

Following that we tried to give an insight of mesothelioma cases prevention , precautions of mesothelioma, symptoms, treatment of mesothelioma , survival rate and stages of Mesothelioma in this article. And one more thing don't decide yourself by reading this alone. Always consult health care providers.

Let's begin.

Mesothelioma symptoms:

  • Generally expression of mesothelioma symptoms require nearly 20 to 40 years. Among the various types of mesothelioma the generalized symptoms of mesothelioma are 
  • The drastic symptom in the lining of lungs includes irritation and inflammation of the passage of lungs and bronchus due to the deposition of minute asbestos particles.
  • In association with the inflammation and irritation in pleural and bronchus layer the mesothelioma infected person will suffer from severe coughing ,shortness of breathing accompanied with severe weight loss.

Besides the mentioned symptoms mesothelioma affected persons will suffer from myasthenia (muscle weakness). 

Mesothelioma prevention:

"Prevention is better than cure". 

Likewise the prevention of mesothelioma is the only way to bypass the risk caused by mesothelioma.

  • The prime cause for mesothelioma is that the exposure to the fine particles of asbestos So,
  • Eliminating the use of asbestos like particles from the building ,roofing braking and insulating materials.
  • Instead using asbestos like materials using user-friendly and eco-friendly products like coconut bat and thatching materials like bamboo and other coconut based products.
  • Providing workers the awareness about the risk and impact of asbestos about mesothelioma.
  • Monitoring the air quality standards regularly to assess the level of fine asbestos particles in the mesothelioma prone regions such as USA , UK and in the areas where people who are residing near the volcano areas.
  • People who are residing near the volcanic areas like Hawaii have a potential risk of exposing themselves to volcanic mineral such as erionite which serves as secondary cause for mesothelioma
  • They should be given proper advice and awareness about mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma diagnosis and treatment:

  •  The most important and globally followed and accepted treatment for mesothelioma cancer is radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

  • Another commonly followed technique in curing the mesothelioma cancer is surgery.
  • Another method of treatment that is addressed here is the palliative care. It aims in caring the patient as a whole in relieving any sort of impairments due to the disease.
  • Palliative care management team will further look after in improving the quality of the life standards of the patients. 
Palliative care

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Mesothelioma cases:
          Eventhough it is rare in its occurence the Mesothelioma cases were reported all over the world. People who are in between 70 to 85 age are more prone to the Mesothelioma cancer. It has been reported that nearly 3500 cases were reported yearly in United States. Besides a rare phenomenon of Mesothelioma also occurs named idiopathic mesothelioma where the affected individuals do not developed any kind of symptoms.

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Stages of Mesothelioma:
                             Mesothelioma is categorised based on the severity of the disease as 
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Stage 4
The prognosis of the cancer is obscure in the in stage 1 and 2 but it should be diagnosed well in the 3rd stage where the affected individuals are developed with Mesothelioma tumours all over the lungs.

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 Stage 4 is the terminal state of Mesothelioma where the tumours in the lungs spreads to the distant organs of the body.

Life expectancy of Mesothelioma:
            Varied life expectancy for people who are affected with pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. But in general the life expectancy of  2 years for Mesothelioma affected individuals are 
  • Stage 1 - 22 to 24 months (40 to 45%)
  • Stage 2 - 20 to 22 months (35 to 38%)
  • Stage 3 - 18 to 21 months (26 to 37%)
  • Stage 4 - 14 to 16 months (<25%)
The legal compensation for the Mesothelioma affected individuals are also given through the mesothelioma lawyers and mesothelioma attorneys will discuss it in brief on next post                            
Today's English word 

This means Foretelling the course of disease.

Sentence usage
The prognosis of Mesothelioma should be clear on its 3rd stage.

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