Bubonic Plague - China's recent disease discovery

 Outbreak of Bubonic  plague in China check out this what happens there....!

             People's life had been in pause mode since the COVID-19 pandemic had begun. In this scenario, the news that coming from China recently is not a good news. China is in high alert after suspected cases of Bubonic plague were found in Bayannur, a city in northern China.

              In this article, we tried to give you an insight about "Bubonic Plague" and it's recent developments

What is this Bubonic Plague?
              A bacteria called Yersinia pestis causes a disease called Plague. There are three types of plagues namely,

  • Bubonic plague
  • Pneumonic plague
  • Septicemic plague
             Bubonic Plague is one of the three plagues caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria. It is called bubonic plague because the infected living organism will develop bubos which is nothing but swollen lymph nodes.
            It is one of the deadly diseases. This Bubonic Plague is also called "Black death".

How bubonic plague spread?

            It is usually spread through infected fleas which is a small insect with no wings that sucks mammals' blood. It also spread if we exposed to the body fluid of infected animals.

           Recently the suspected case in China developed this disease after eating a marmot meat. Marmot's are a species of squirrels which is relatively large.

            Usually symptoms will develop after 7 days of being affected. It's symptoms include lack of breath, high fever, open swollen lymph nodes in armpits and groin, gangrene of nose, finger, toes and lips, seizures and getting exhausted. 

Is this Bubonic Plague is new like COVID-19?

            Like G4 H1N1 virus that we discussed in the previous article, this Bubonic Plague is not a new disease. It's fairly old.
           The bacteria which is responsible for bubonic plague called Yernisia pestis was first discovered in late bronze age. Archeological findings were the proof.

             The first bubonic plague epidemic (sudden outbreak which do not recorded in the past) in Sassanian empire and Eastern Roman empire. In this epidemic, nearly 25 million people lost their lives. 

             In 1896, this Bubonic Plague killed almost 12 million people in India. Mostly recently in 1994, this plague affected 5 states of India which costs 54 lives.

What are the recent developments?

             As new cases of Bubonic plague  were reported in china recently, people were in fear that this could cause another pandemic. 

             But most probably it won't cause a pandemic like Covid-19 because it can't spread rapidly like Covid-19 virus and as it was relatively an old disease, there were treatments available to this disease.

             As of now, alerts were given in areas where suspected cases were reported not to hunt or eat marmots as it was spread through marmot there.

            Most recently, squirrels in Colorado, USA were reported of Bubonic Plague and a teenager in Mongolia also died due to Bubonic Plague.
           In Russia, Marmot hunting is famous and it is being banned now due to Bubonic Plague.  


           Over these years there were many diseases caused by virus and bacteria. But nowadays these are getting great attention like never before due to Covid-19 pandemic which is a good thing as people are more aware now.

These are the facts we collected about Bubonic Plague. Hope this will be an informative article to you. 

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